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1. All rankings are allowed so there is no need to smurf.

2. Games will take place on Saturdays and Sundays so expect to play on weekends.

3. BM in all chat will result in a Disqualification. (Friendly Trolling is fine)  And we will have members who look over cases of BM.

4. No Poaching. If a player is requested to join another you and the other team will have to engage in an adult conversation with management about it.

5. If a team leaves in the middle of the season, We will go to the first teams that registered, if they dont want their record we go down the ladder.

6. Summoner Names must be exactly the same as the roster shows.

7. Summoners can only play for one team.

8. This is a North American league only

9. If a team is not in the game lobby by 15 minutes after it is made, they will have to forfeit the match. Each game is back to back.

10. Each game must be in Tournament Draft mode and teams will have 12 minutes of pause time each. after 12 minutes of one teams time the game must immediately start

11. Blue team will be the team on the left side of the schedule

12. The team that paused is the only team that can unpause, and may only do so if the other team has 3 different people type "R"

13. Pauses may not occur during team fights or key game-play moments

14. if the game is not streamed, the winning captain must subit a screenshot to ASGAS management

15. Matches may be restarted for runes/masteries/lag problems within 5 minites of the game.

16. Roster changes must be submitted 3 days before you play your game so teams have time to prepare (Wednesday)

17. There is only one roster change permitted before playoffs start. and it must be 3 days before the game time.

18. If a player on your team is BMing he/she will be warned, and the second offense will be them being banned from the league.

19. If you do not have a full 5 ready for your game, you will have to use as many as you do have. Or you can Forfeit.

20. Streamers/Commentators must be ready to make strawpoll votes for Who the fans think will win, and Who they think mvp is after the game. 

21. Streamers must be entertaining, if not we will most likely never let you stream again lmao.

22. Streamers must use the ASGAS Stream Overlay.

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