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Full build 1.

Full Damage.

Full Build 2.


Full Build 3.

Against a team with tons of HP/MR


Alternate Item if you go in close to enemies

Full Build 4.

Against a team with HP Regen/ Healers



Red: Hard/ Yellow: Skill Matchup/ Green: Easy 


Against an Annie, Do NOT go in if her stun is up, she has plenty of burst and is a hard matchup for Ahri, Make sure to back up if her stun is up and CS from a distance, She will miss out on CS unless she last hits like a God, Make her q a minion to CS before attacking. For building against annie I suggest "Full Build 2"  and to take Flash Ignite or Flash/Heal


Against an Akali, You win lane until she hits 6, Take advantage of that, However, After 6 its a skill matchup. Bait her ult, Hit her with a charm, and combo her, you will win trades. After she hits 6, Make sure to call MIA's.. She will try and roam, and kill your teammates.. I suggest "full Build 1" or "Full Build 2" . Take Flash/Ignite or Flash/Exhaust


Against a Brand, STAY BEHIND MINIONS... If his passive is burning you, His Q can stun you if you are in open space. If you are affected by his passive, his W will do more damage than it does without being burned. Also his W is his most powerful skill (Other than his ulti) Dodge his W and you can attack. If he's 6 stay away from teammates. His ulti bounces up to 5 times if enemies are nearby, so stay away from teammates. I suggest "Full Build 2' Take Flash/Ignite


Against a Diana, Dodge her Q,  Engage after her shield is gone. If she jumps at you with her ult, wait till she uses E, which brings you in, then ult away for disengage. If you want to engage on her, bait her ult, charm before she E's, then combo her. I suggest "Full Build 1" or "Full Build 2" Take Flash/Ignite or Flash/Exhaust


Against a Fizz, You win lane till 6, Take advantage. Do not try to charm him if his E is up, if he times it, it will go right through him. if he engages with his E, make him pay by stepping away from it, charming him, then using your combo. Once hits 6, he will engage with his ult. Try and dodge it.. If it hits you ult or flash away or he will kill you with his combo. I suggest "Full Build 2" But rush zhonyas first for his ult. Take Flash/Ignite or Flash/Exhaust


Against a Heimerdinger, Do ont go in his turrets range they do tons of damage but can be destroyed. Lane will consist of farming. If you catch him out in the open, charm him before he stuns you with E. If you plan on going all in against him, build Zhonyas ASAP. He will Ult Q you, which will provide him a huge turret that does tons of damage, Ult W can 1 shot you if he is stronger than you, but can be easily dodged, Ult E will make his stun bounce 3 times, which is easy to dodge as well. I suggest "Full Build 1" Take Flash/Ignite, Flash/Heal, or Flash/Barrier


Against a Karthus, He will try to poke you down with Q's, which are easy to dodge. His W Will Provide a wall, which will slow you, and reduce MR, if you pass through. His E has an AOE so do not get close to him. His ult attacks your whole team, so let your team know once he's 6 to back if really low, or there will be a fed Karthus. Even after he dies he can still attack you, so if you go all in, make sure you get out ASAP, or buy zhonyas. He can die really fast , so if you hit him with a charm, go all in. I suggest "Full build 2" Take Flash/Ignite, Flash/Heal, Or Flash/Barrier


Against a Lux, in lane she will try to poke you down with her E, it slows and if you're in the AOE, it will do damage. She will harrass you with her passive ( so if you're glowing she'll do more damage with her auto's) Stay behind more than one minion, her q can snare up to 2 units, once it hits the first one, it bounces to the one behind it. Her W provides her with a shield, do not go all in unless its on cooldown. Her ult does massive damage to people who are in the line, 

I suggest "Full Build 2" Take Flash/Ignite, Flash/Heal, Or Flash/Barrier


Against an Orianna, she will consistently poke you down with her Q,W Combo, it has a small range, but deals alot of damage, try and dodge it if you can, her W provides her and allies movement speed, but will slow you if in the AOE. Do not go all in unless her E, which is her shield, is either destroyed or on cooldown. Stay away from her ball, wherever her ball is, is where her ult will take place, She can shield her allies while they engage and ult on top of them, her ult will bring whoever is in the AOE Back into the ball and will deal alot of damage. I suggest "Full Build 2" Take Flash/Ignite, Flash/ Heal, Or Flash/Barrier.


Against a Syndra, she will poke you down with Q alot, Her Q,E combo, will stun you if you are hit by the ball, so try and dodge it, If she picks a minion, or one of her balls up, stay away from her, or try to dodge it once thrown, it has a limited range. Her ult does more damage, the more balls she has on the map, they disappear every 6 seconds. so stay try to combo her before she stun, ults you. In lane, poke her down with your Q while dodging hers, i recommend building boots your first back. Use "Full Build 1" if you plan on engaging first, or "Full Build 2" if you are worried she will engage first. Take Flash/Ignite, Flash/Exhaust,  Flash/Heal, Or Flash/Barrier


Against a Twisted Fate, Poke him down with your Q all laning phase, while dodging his Q, which will shoot out 3 cards, chich are easy to dodge, but deal massive damage if hit. If you see a card above his head, stay as far away from him as you can, Yellow will stun, Red will slow and have an AOE, And blue, regens his mana, and does the most damage. Once he hits 6, warn your teammates, he can ult to a location on the map, and screw over your teams laning phase.


Against a Xerath, He will  try and poke you down with his Q, Which has an animation so you will know hes going to use it, move side to side , to try and confuse him on which way to use it. if you see his W incoming, get away from it immediately, the closer you are to the center, the more damage will happen, and you will be slower. Stay behind minions, if hit by his E it will stun you, which will set him up for his combo. Save your ulti for his Ulti, he shoots 3 , you ult away from 3. However, if he's not in the middle of his minions, you can land a charm on him easily since he cannot move while ulting, if charmed he cannot ult any longer, and you can combo him and perhaps kill him. I suggest

"Full Build 1" And take Flash/Ignite, Flash Heal, Or Flash/Barrier.

Ahri Guide

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