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 Full Build's

Against AD's building MR/HP

Early game burst, Late game monster.

Brand Guide

Flamethrower (Max CDR for spell spam)


 Enemy Guides

Red= Hard/ Yellow = Skill/ Green = Easy


Move around a lot in lane, but stay behind minions, If she uses Q, Dodge it and W where she's running towards. If she charms you, dont run. Instead stun her with your E/Q Combo and land your easy W. Post level 6, If you land a stun you must hurry and use the rest of your spells before she uses her Ult.


She is very squishy so if you can land a stun and dodge her Q, you can hill her easily. Do not get baited by her passive, click on her to make sure its down before you go all in. Grey Icon means its down, Blue means its up. I f she hits you with her Q she will do massive damage to you with her E, So you want to dodge that as much as possible


You have more range than her, so stay back and poke her with your W, If you get her low enough with W, and can land your stun then you can kill her, Post 6 beware of her Flash into Ulti, it will do a devastating amount of damage, and most likely kill you unless you can flash out of there. Pre 6 easy kill


Make sure to stay away from his sand soldiers, If you are inside of their range, they will poke you down alot. If you see a soldier moving towards you move away quickly, If it hits, it will slow you, and do more damage. If he E's to a soldier and hits you, he will gain a temporary shield. So poke him down, while staying away from his soldiers, and try to land a stun


You have the better skin, so you automatically win


Move around alot while poking down with W, if she cant land a Q she doesnt get very many stacks, which in turn makes her late game eat 60 pounds of ass. However if she does land a Q, she will chase you down with her E, So that being said, shes not behind her minions anymore.... Stun her and kill her. Then of course taunt her dead body.


Build Liandrys, Win Game. Move around so it's hard for him to land Q, If he Silences you, just run away, you aren't and ADC, no point in auto attacking a beefy monster. Try to stay away from the minions hes attacking, His E passive will do damage to what is behind the minions as well. If you are less that 25% hp... Leave the lane, no questions asked, just leave and come back. Or else he will just flash and Nom you.


Afk at base at make your team forfeit. Jk but seriously, IMO most broken champ in the game. Dodge her Q's, if she hits one, you will most likely die. I do not suggest picking Brand into this matchup, if she picks into you or you do blind pick, just try to stay alive and farm till late game


Stay ranged, and his Q will not hit you, once you see him throw it back away, it's pretty slow moving. If you have your sound on, you will hear when he's about to use his W which if you are caught in will stun you, if he comes in with you, oh yeah and it gives him a shield. As soon as he E's, You need to land your E/Q/W combo, He will have to be away from minions in order to attack you with E. However if he has ult and 100 mana, Do not all in him, try to make him waste his ulti. Post level 6, do not stand anywhere near his shadown following him around, he can do massive damage and probably kill you.


Poke him down with W, If he Q's in at you, he will most likely E away, so do not waste your Q until he uses his E. Once he uses it you can stun him, since its o na long cd early. I suggest buying zhonyas first, even though he's AP. He will use ult and do massive damage to you, if you do not use Zhonyas. He will tower-dive you as well, because his E can help him escape. Play smart, Play safe.


Don't go near him when his turrets are up. Stay behind minions and always keep moving so you can dodge his E's and W's. If he gets out from behind minions you can kill him. Till then it's a farm lane and he will play like a pussy. 


Stay away from your own minions, He will most likely be farming them with his Q, so if you are right next to them, he will hit you as well. Always be moving in this lane. Once you hit him with your stun, you can easily kill him, but just make sure, that you dont go stay near him after he's dead, or he can still kill you. If you are less than 20% hp, leave lane and make sure to wanr your team once He's 6 as well, don't want a 10 minute Karthus Pentakill now do we.


Because of his passive, he recieves less magic damage. He will most likely build ROA first, so go ahead and get Liandrys first. Pre 6 you can poke him down, just make sure not to use spells if he had just used his Q, he is given a shield against magic damage on top of his passive. Post 6 He will try to ult combo you, which will cause him to leave minions, So hit your stun and combo hi, only ult, if he is low enough, since it bounces 5 times, he can just ult away and it'll bounce to a nearby minion


Pre 6, she will try to poke you down with her Q by either hitting you or a minion, if you stay ranged behind your minions, it won't hit you. If you are by your minion it will bounce off and hit you. If it hits, she might E to you and W, which will do some damage, but again, she's right next to you. Easy stun. If she ults and you're low, stun her quickly or you will die, if you stun her you can 100-0 her with your whole combo.


Very, very difficult lane to win. But possible. If she uses her Q on you, you need to back up so she cant W and do extra damage to you, stay ranged. If she is on fire and has just W'd towards you, do not aim where she is atm, aim where she jumped from, a good Leblanc will assume you're trying to stun her and W back so you cant hit her. If she hits you with her chain, try to pull her away from her minions and stun her, or run like hell.


Stay ranged. If she can't poke you down with her Q then you win lane. Once you see her claw moving towards you back up. If uses it to poke, then you dodge it, if she uses it to go in, E/Q Combo her and burst her down. Do not use ult unless she's stunned, she can ult herself in she isn't and will take no damage.


Stay behind minions, if you get snared you're probaly dead. She will leave her minion wall if she hits you with an E so she can get her passive damage off, so that would be the best time to combo her. Try to dodge E's as much as possible anyway though. Her ult is basically up every 3 seconds so dont stand in the same place.


Stay ranged as usual, his Q has a small range but will silence you and do a lot of damage. If you see minions with "Aids" covering them, back the fuck up. If it kills the minion, it will go to the next target. Do not walk into a bush without Q'ing in first. Most Malzahar's like to Cosplay as Garen, and will kill you without you being able to do anything about it.


Happy Feet. Nuff said. If you stand in the same place, you sir, are dead. She will poke you with unlimited Q/W combos. So stay away from her ball at all times. However, her Q is a very short range so use that to your advantage. Her shield is op, so do not all in her unless shes stunned, or you know you can kill.


Buy a Morellonomicon, and Liandrys. Stay ranged, so he can't snare you. If his bird is draining your hp, you should definitely run away. He will try to poke down with his Q, which does damage overtime. His ulti Regens his HP but makes him lose alot of mana. If he's oom. Kill him. 


Move around, make it hard for her to hit her Q. If she uses Q on you, she'll probably be using E to try and stun you so walk to the side of the ball. Stay ranged so her W wont hit you. If she hits you with her E and Q, you're dead. so don't let it happen.


Upgrade your trinket to the pink ward one at level 9. Stay ranged, so his W cant hit you, If it does he will most likely E to you, now is the perfect time to stun him. He will teleport behind you so make sure you hit it or you're fucked. If you see a circle of blades, back up to your tower, or head to a friendly champion. You need to have quick reflexes, because he can burst you very fast. Kill him before he can kill you.

Twisted Fate

You have more range than him, so poke him down. If you see a colored card above his head, back up, its a short range so he'll be wasting mana if he cant hit it. Once he hits 6 alert your teammates, so they can expect his ulti.  Try not to get into auto range when he has cards surrounding him, his next basic attack will do more damage. And when he throws 3 cards at you, walk in between them.


Stay behind minions, his Q is a skillshot that bounces to whatever is close behind what he hits first. You will be able to see his W animation before it does damage, so stay away from it. His E animation will show before it pops up as well, so if you are on the inside of it, stay on the inside, if you don't hit a wall you dont get stunned. Early game you can destroy him, late game you will get One-shot by his Ulti, so try to win early.


Move left to right, to dodge his lazer. Once he uses his Q it will give him a shield, so stay out of basic attack range. Do not be close enough in range to get caught by his W, once you are inside of it it will slow you, and will stun you if you are in there for too long.  He can control his ulti, however, It's quite difficult to control an ult while moving and casting other spells so, use that as his weakpoint if you have enough HP to survive.


Move around, ALOT. He is all skillshots. His Q shows an animation before it goes off in a straight line so dont walk forward and backwards, walk left and right to dodge it. His W is a little harder to dodge, but as long as you are not hit by the center of it it won't do as much damage. His E will hit minions if you are behind them. Here's the key part of winning this lane. If you are low, and he ults you, he becomes immobile for his ulti, at this point in time, either walk back in forth to dodge them, or go on the attacking end, him being immobile makes him an easy stun. If you stun him he can no longer ulti till its back up. And you can kill him.


He can dash to minions with his E, so try not to spam skills unless you know you can hit them. If he's on fire and you can stun him, bait his wind wall by auto attacking, once he uses wall, walk through it and land Q. Auto him whenever his shield comes up so that you dont waste mana to take it away. If he uses shield to block your auto from taking down his shield.... Shit on him. Once he has two stacks of Q, move around, if hit by his Q tornado and low enough he can ult you, and kill you.


Zhonyas first. Always. Stay behind minions and walk back and forth, if he hits Q through minions it will do less damage. Stay away from his shadow, if he uses E it will slow you and do a bunch of damage. If he uses W and goes to his shadow with it, you can hit him with stun. As he ults you, walk towards your tower and stun him as soon as he finishes the animation. The less damage he does to you during that time, the less damage his ult does. If you have zhonyas, use it right after you stun him. If you miss the stun, use it anyway.


Keep moving. Stay away from your minions, his Q does AOE damage and hits the first thing it touches, if it hits minions that you're next to it will do damage to you. Stay ranged, his W can knock you into him and can also knock him away, so keep that in mind. He will most likely only Use his E if you're chasing him, walk around the mine field. If you are less than 25% hp just back, his ulti does alot of damage and can kill you. If you see it try to walk to the outside of it, if you are in the middle it will do more damage.





Skill Max Order

1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10      11      12      13      14     15       16      17      18

        2                                              8                                  12                14                          17




1                       4      5            7                       10



                3                                              9                                   13                15                           18



                                        6                                        11                                               16

Video Montage

Author Info

Author Name: ASG Kupoh

Season 4

Season 5





Brand has been my main champion ever since I was level 15. I loved his kit, and damage output, and after a while figured out how to play against any enemy champion, whether it's a counter or an easy lane. 

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