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Lee Sin 


Full Build 1. 1v1 potential, chasing down enemies

Full Build 2. More defensive approach, sustain, teamfight oriented

Full Build 3. Splitpush/Objective oreiented. 1v1 potential. Carrying.

Full Build 4. Godlee late game, Survival, damage, Staying alive to help your team

Strategy Guide.

Invades: Purple side: Invade Red, only if you have a support with level 1 cc. Mid/Bot lane must come with you. try for first blood. If no first blood, Focus on their buff, smite correctly, head straight to your red, on the way to red, take your Raptors (Formerly Wraiths). as it will hep in exp, and your smite will be back up soon after.


Invading  Blue side: Invade Red as usual, This requires more strategy, Do not start your invade until 1:48, they will have hardly any reaction time. Stay in river bush till 1:48 then head in from bush to bush. If they start red, focus their jungler/mid or if they dont see you, smite it before them, then kill whoever took the most damage. If they started blue and they see you at their red, sucks for them, theirs  no time to adjust. Head to your red straight after, ward it, take Raptors, then Take red.


Ganking: once you hit 3, and have taken both your buffs. Head either Mid or Bot, depending on who is pushed farther.


Mid Gank: Let the teammate you're ganking for engage, then W to him, land your Q, E him twice, give your teammate the kill if possible. 


Bot Gank: Lane Pushed to your tower: Come from tri bush, Have your support engage, Focus adc, if a teammate is losing HP, W to them, and land your Q, Slow them with E. Give ADC the kill. 

Bot Gank: Lane pushed to enemy tower: This is called a lane gank, make sure you arent in range of minion sight, head into bot bushes. Team either engages, or counter engages, either way W to your ADC, and combo theirs. Give ADC Kill.

Top Gank: Do not do unless, enemy Top Laner is low on hp/mana and has no summs. Otherwise wait till 6, come from lane or from your side of the river, Land your Q if possible, Ult them towards your tower Q again, E twice, either you or top gets kill.

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