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Miss Fortune


Full Build 1. General MF ADC Build

Full Build 2 Alternate ADC Build

Full Build 3. AP MF

Full Build 4. Top Lane MF



You win lane, if and only if you can dodge skills. Pre-6 dodge her W's while poking her down with Q and E. If you encounter her in a 1v1, E,Q her, then use your W active. DO NOT Run away from her, she will slow you with each auto. Bait her Ult before you ult, otherwise she will stun you and your ult will go on cooldown. Hope that your support is experienced or at least knows how to engage/disengage.


Skill matchup, Dodge her Q's dont let her autoattack you to death and poke her down with your Q, focus on farm, you win lane at 6. Her Q does the most damage so if in a 1v1 always try to avoid being hit by it, if you can kite her you can beat her.


Skill matchup, Dodge his q's and poke him down with yours. Use your range against him, while fighting don't stand too close, his E does tons of damage if you are in range. Do not ult unless you know his W is on Cooldown or he has no mana. Poke him down in lane with auto's whenever you can.


Run and Scream like a little girl. Not really... very hard matchup, but definitely winnable. Dodge his skillshots, and stay out of his auto range. If you know his E is up DO NOT ULT.. He will stop it immediately. If he has a support with lockdown. i suggest staying back and farming, then crush him late game. Farm wins this lane. Unless of course he ults across the map getting a double on your Jungler and mid. 


Easy lane overall, if you can dodge skillshots, because thats basically all Ezreal is. Stay behind minions and his Q wont hit you. Poke him down but do not ult unless his E is down. You win trades, You win lane, learn to position and You win game. 


Easy lane. Dont stand in the smokecreen. If he E's towards you E and poke him down with auto attacks and Q's. Do not ult in a smokescreen thats just insanity. Try and harrass him thorughout lane, make him scared to come into range for cs. Make sure you and your support are never in a straight line or graves will blow you both up with his Ulti


Skill matchup, stay behind minions, or she will electricute you like there's no tomorrow. Run around her traps not through. Farm and harrass, Support wins this lane unless one of you guys is Gosu and one of you guys is Bronze 5


Skill matchup, you win early, he wins late, unless you have massive farm, dodge his slow, dodge his ults' and make sure if you kill him, hop on the "Nope" train to FuckThatVille,  if his passive hits you, it will blow you up. and it will not feel good.


He hurts, but so do you. harrass him in lane, but dont miss CS while doing it. Do not run away from him, he's black, He's fast, He will find you, and he will kill you. His ult is easy to dodge, and you can dodge his Q if you're quick. Farm wins lane, hope you have the better mechanics.


Your skin is better than hers, show her why. Your mechanics are better than hers. Do not let this imposter live.


She does massive damage with her Q, and her auto's will poke you down because of her W. You win trades by dodging her Q, Baiting her shield, and knowing when to ult. Do not run from her, she will ult, you will be caught.


This lane is easier after her nerfs. She will still try and poke you down with E. Dont all in her, she will jump away, bait her jump, before you ult. She is a really disengage type of champ. Her ult will send you flying so better hope you kill her before she gets away.


Hard matchup, He will harrass you with his Q. His Q has an animation so move side to side to avoid. Don't chase him, he can E you to slow, or ult you and you're stuck. To win this lane you must dodge skillshots, he has no escapes so if you have the opportunity to ult. Do it.

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